SMC - Service Management Compact

With professional service to customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.


SMC - Service Management Compact 2025-05-12
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Course description

Those who take responsibility need management skills in order to
realize tasks entrusted to them professionally and successfully. In addition, expertise can be built up, e.g. the development and marketing of a service portfolio, internal and external customer, revenue and cost management, the development of business excellence, and service controlling. This builds expert knowledge.

So if you want to drive service business, build new business areas, intensify customer relationships and lead the team successfully, you need specific management skills which include working conceptually and knowing the leverage for growth.

Topics, Objectives and Dates

ISS projects overview:



Win-win situation: This is how employees and companies benefit from the SBM course.

This is how employees benefit:

This one-week training course supports you in the operative service business, especially with regard to customer satisfaction and cost-effectiveness in the service business. The management knowledge and implementation tools required for modern service practice are systematically and compactly conveyed and made tangible based on the development of a concept for your area of ​​responsibility. This way, the implementation in your own practical work is intensively prepared.


Participants report:

“The seminar Service Management Compact has given me many new insights and ideas for my work.”

“The SMC cuts all topics in the service in very short time, that was crucial for me to choose this. Especially interesting were the service planning and service strategy ... company numbers, too. What I expected was fulfilled.”

“For me, the approach in management, finance and controlling was exciting, the service manager of today combines a lot with each other. What I expected was fully fulfilled.”


This is how companies benefit:

  • Strengthening the competence of employees in their specific functions and roles
  • Increased efficiency and effectiveness in daily processes
  • Competitive advantage through certified service employees
  • Business management of service areas promotes growth and profit
  • Methods and procedures for optimizing the service organization are used

Course Contents

Service is your business: With this course content you master it masterfully.

  • Strengthening strategic and conceptual capabilities
  • Development of decision-making authority for economic management
  • Promoting creativity and a willingness to take responsibility for new solutions
  • Development of a service concept for your own area based on the 9P structure
  • Introduction of new services in existing organizations
  • Controlling instruments for efficient service management

You experience an interesting and intensive exchange of experience with the trainers and course participants from other companies and industries – often, the network lasts long after the course. The intensive technical support by the trainers makes it possible that also your individual questions can be treated. After passing the final exam and completing the accompanying service concept for your area of ​​responsibility, you will receive a certificate from ISS ServiceAcademy.


Frontal lessons were yesterday! Case studies, project work and Co. are today!

  • Blended learning concept (webinars and classroom training)
  • Keynote speeches and dialogue-oriented lectures
  • Plenary discussion and active exchange of experience
  • Daily transfer of the respective training content into one's own work practice through
    • the transfer of the 9 Ps into your own practice
    • the processing of the Service Business Model Canvas
    • the systematic development of your own service concept
  • Individual work and group work
  • Case studies, role playing games
  • On request individual consultation and coaching


Who is the course for?

  • Employees who have responsibility for the operational service business in various markets and regions
  • Employees who manage outsourced service partners and who want to be responsible for customer satisfaction
  • Employees who want to generate new innovations in service
  • Executives with experience from the technical service field
  • Former participants of the “Certified Distributor Service”
  • Participants attending the SMC as the first module of the Certified Service Business Manager management course

Speakers and Trainers

The speakers and coaches at the ISS International Business School of Service Management are active managers, entrepreneurs and consultants with many years of service experience.

Our Services

Personal payback, return on investment – you can expect that and more!

  • Course participation and networking
  • Course documents
  • Drinks and lunch
  • Written exam
  • Supervision in the development of your own service concept
  • Accompanying the participants and mentors/champions from the company over 4 weeks after the classroom training
  • Certificate graduation


Please contact us for a selection of hotels for your accommodation.

Ihr Investment

Engagement, exams, fees: what you invest in the course.

Your time to participate in the five days of presence as well as preparatory and follow-up activities and personal work during the course period.

This includes in particular the work on the subsequent service concept for your own company. The accompanying development of the service concept also secures the payback for the investment of the posting company in further education.


5 days of intensive classroom training € 3,680.00 plus VAT

Final exam, supervision development service concept € 1,200.00 plus VAT


Note: The own learning curve pays off! Please contact us for separate conditions when participating/booking several courses.


Business Networking Package

The Business Networking Package is optional and includes the individual support of the participant throughout the entire duration of the course. Evening events with course participants and accommodation in the same hotel promote networking between the participants and increases their motivation. This package was developed for holistic learning and has proven to be a valuable addition to the course.
The price is subject to fluctuations due to the event and hotel selection and is communicated individually.


On the last day, there will be a written exam with open and multiple-choice questions. Two weeks after classroom training, the development of your own practical service concept begins. This lasts four weeks and is actively supported by the ISS Business School and finally evaluated. After passing the final exam and successfully developing their own service concept, the participants receive a certificate from the ISS ServiceAcademy.

With the certificate of the course “Service Management Compact” the graduates prove that they have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills to optimally and profitably align existing resources with the needs and references of the customers and the market.

The courses have been certified since 1992, since 2009 by the ISS ServiceAcademy. The high quality and topicality of the certificate courses is ensured by the advisory board of the ISS ServiceAcademy.

Information and registration

ISS International Business School of Service Management

Leinpfad 1
D-22301 Hamburg
Fon: +49 40 53 69 91-55

We also offer all seminars and courses in-house, in English, customized and on demand.
Subject to change.